Thank you everyone who helped me out and voted for my school for the library giveaway.
WE WON!!!!
I’ll post pics of the kiddos and books later. Thank you! Thank you!

Happy Halloween !!

Happy Halloween to all!!! Have a wonderful boo night. I’ll post some pics of my costume later 😉





I would like to say a quick prayer for those that are dealing with this amazing hurricane. My god watch over you all during this terrible time. May he protect you from this event that will change NYC again for years to come. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all my reader friends and authors in these areas are staying safe.
❤ to you all!

Turn to Darkness Blog Stop

Please welcome the amazing Jamie Rush to Readers After Dark. If you haven’t read anything by her yet you are missing out. Her books are fantastic. 
ImageRAD: What’s your favorite part of being an author? Your least favorite part?
Jamie: My favorite part is creating! I love getting that glimmer of an idea, a scene, a character. Sometimes it gives me a goofy or rather psychotic look, I’m sure. The story coming alive inside me gives me a thrill like no other.
My least favorite?

My least favorite is the business end. You have to take off the creative hat and look at numbers, the market, make decisions, and do the promotional end of things. Every minute spent on that is a minute not spent on writing.

RAD: Tell us something about the characters in your latest book that didn’t make it into the final version.

Jamie: The hero’s mother was a prostitute who is dead by the time TURN TO DARKNESS opens. Being that a novella needs to be more succinct regarding backstory that doesn’t directly apply to the story at hand, I did not get to explore how Greer felt about that and what his life was like.

RAD: If you had a full day all to yourself – no responsibilities, no WORK – what would you do?

Jamie: Read! I have to sneak in pleasure reading, it seems. I’m going to be on a plane for a couple of hours tomorrow and I’m thrilled to be captive and get to read.

RAD: Of all the characters you’ve ever written…who resonates with you strongest?

Jamie: Boy, that’s a hard question. It’s true that some characters resonate more than others, and each has a vulnerability that touches me. I’d say Eric Aruda from BURNING DARKNESS, the fourth book in the Offspring series. He taught me the allure of the alpha hero and how characters can surprise you.

RAD: Do you find yourself writing about the same genre or different ones? Which are your favorite genre to write about?

Jamie: Generally I gravitate to suspense, though I did write some straight contemporary romance (and had four published with Harlequin years ago). I like murder and mayhem with my romance. And of course, always romance, though a few of my suspense have had less emphasis on that or a different spin. Going forward, I’m jumping more into paranormal with Jaime and then going in the opposite direction by resurrecting my Tina Wainscott name for straight romantic suspense.

RAD: What kind of/how much research do you do for your books?

Jamie: I research setting and whatever aspects I need for the particular characters. For instance, I needed to know about desert landscaping for TURN TO DARKNESS for Shea’s business. I went to several different landscaping websites and scouted out what plants and designs would be used. Research can be a lot of fun, like when I read about secret government programs.

RAD: What kind of scenes do you love to write? Which ones are the most challenging?

Jamie: I love the emotional scenes, where things break down for the hero and heroine, when one calls the other on their vulnerability or the shield they use. And often those scenes culminate in a passionate kiss.

Love scenes and action scenes can both be challenging, and they can also be a lot of fun. Most of the time I can “see” the scene clearly and I translate it. But there are times I can’t, or the characters aren’t working together for a reason I have to figure out. The real challenge is to find ways to make those scenes fresh for those characters.

RAD: Do you have any sort of inspiration for your books or do characters just “pop up” in your head that you have to write about?

Jamie: Usually I get a situation and a character together, a piece of a scene that intrigues me. Then I have to figure out how we got there, what kind of background and vulnerabilities will make it harder for that character, all that fun stuff.

RAD: Do you listen to music when you write? What kind?

Jamie: Most of the time. I’m an Alt-Nation fan (SIRIUS radio) and a lot of that music will creep into my stories. I also make playlists for each character and each type of emotion the music will be a backdrop for. For instance, suspense, sexy, and poignant, and the music speaks to my character. That’s a fun part of the story planning for me. Music moves me, and that’s what I want to do with my stories—move my readers, touch them. I try to translate that feeling I get to my books.

RAD: Who are some of your favorite authors?

Jamie: I like Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Dean Koontz, Carmen DeSousa, Sophie Jordan, Heather Burch, and many more than I’m sure I’m forgetting.

RAD: What genre’s do you read?
I do tend to stick to the genres I write, for better or for worse. I’ve got some Kim Falconer fantasies that I’m looking forward to reading though.

Jamie: What are some of your favorite TV shows? and movies?
I love Supernatural, the new Beauty and the Beast, Grimm, Grey’s Anatomy, Taboo (about the weirdness of people), and for fun, Suburgatory. My all-time favorite movie is WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING with Sandra Bullock. And oddly, that’s not the kind of story I read normally.

RAD: Can you tell us about your upcoming projects?

Jamie: I’m working on the final offspring novel, END OF DARKNESS. Since the publisher didn’t want to move ahead with more books, I’m indie-pubbing it as a long e-novella. It will be Magnus’s story and will include Pope as well, since he grew on me as a character in the series. It will also tie up the villain arc started in the novellas, THE DARKNESS WITHIN  and TURN TO DARKNESS.

I’m very excited about my new series, debuting next summer from Grand Central Publishing, with two novellas (untitled as of now). That’s when I jump into the world of magick, Dragons and angels against the backdrop of Miami. A back-to-back-to-back trilogy will be out starting January 2014. As for my alter-ego Tina, it’s too early to know exactly what’s going on there. For now I’ve got several of my earlier releases out as e-books, most what I called romantic suspense with a touch of paranormal.

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Jamie Rush’s website: http://www.jaimerush.com/

For a list of Jamie’s books:  http://www.jaimerush.com/index.php?id=2

We all have our favorite genres to read. Below comment on what your favorite genre is and please leave your email address along with it. I will use random.org to pick a winner.

Help a charter school in need

So I need my fellow readers help. I nominated my kiddos school for a big library giveaway. Well we were picked as a finalist. We need votes! Could you please head over to this website ad vote for Gateway in Georgetown, Texas? The kids and I both greatly appreciate it. Their library is so sad. Just a few bookcases and the school goes from kinder to 12th grade. Thank you in advance to those that can help.

In the Red Blog Tour



Live like a rock star.

Dance ‘til you die.

Are you in?


What kind of a rock star lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere and plays at weddings and funerals? Then Jack Scratch comes into his life, ready to represent him and launch him to stardom. Jack can give him everything: a new band, a new name, a new life, a new look, and new boots…although they aren’t exactly new. They once belonged to The One, a rocker so legendary and so mysterious that it’s urban legend that he used black magic to gain success. But what does Jeremiah care about urban legend? And it’s probably just coincidence that the shoes make him dance better than anyone, even if it doesn’t always feel like he’s controlling his movements. It’s no big deal that he plunges into a world of excess and decadence as soon as he puts the shoes on his feet, right?

But what happens when they refuse to come off?


They’re mine. I’m really holding them, Jeremiah realized. I’m holding history that isn’t supposed to exist. When The One took the stage, any competition turned tail and ran. It was said that the one time the singer revealed what he looked like the crowds were moved to tears by his beauty and sophistication, and tore each other apart because they couldn’t get to him. Some said it was a conspiracy that complete copies of his songs didn’t exist because the music was too potent to release to the public. There were people who still worshipped the mystery, the music, the outfits, and the boots.

And now those people would come to him.

“Go on. Try them on,” Jack encouraged. Jeremiah nodded and carefully put the platforms on the floor. Shaking with nerves, the youth sat and guided his feet into the cherry red sheaths. Electricity crackled along his instep and through his toes. He tugged the vinyl up over his calf and gasped. Jeremiah was overtaken by a sudden burn, a sudden ant-crawling of power that worked its way through his skin and into his very soul.

“What the—” he choked. The plastic spasmed, tightened around his foot, and then relaxed. The left boot stretched itself a little higher up his calf and extended its sole and heel a little more to adapt to his needs. Jeremiah thought he had imagined it, but the right boot immediately followed suit. The matching sets of the laces squirmed and rippled, settling into a slightly different pattern than when they were taken out of their box. A quick look around proved that while everyone in the room was looking, Jack was the only other person that actually saw. “Did they just…?” Jeremiah couldn’t bring himself to say something so bizarre. He barely managed to hold back a cry when a thousand tiny needle teeth nibbled his skin from toes to knees. A tingling sensation spread under his skin and Jeremiah was filled with a rush of violent confidence that almost made him swoon.

“Good. They fit,” Jack said. Only his tiny, mysteriously cruel little smile hinted that he was aware of the boots’ strange behavior.

The longer Jeremiah looked at himself the more he realized that he could do no wrong. My life just changed. With these on my feet, my past is gone. I’m going to be better than I ever thought possible.

All around him the yes-men and hangers-on gaped.

“You look so good!” the store footman practically swooned. His vinyl and lace frock coat danced under the fluttering movements of his hands. His sharp, pale face flushed with excitement underneath the stylized Victorian wig.

“I’m gonna cry you look so good!” the blonde assistant squealed, gripping Jack’s knee as if she’d keel over if she didn’t have it there to support her. “It’s like I’m witnessing history!”

The faces that surround him were positively thunderstruck and at his mercy. The camera kept right on clicking. Jeremiah got to his feet and struck a few more ambitious poses, dropping into a low crouch before kicking a leg up in an insane bastardization of a round kick. It didn’t matter that he’d grown up looking like every other average guy in Middle America. It didn’t matter that he’d been more accustomed to cotton T-shirts and washed-out blue jeans than the clothes Jack had him wearing. The overall look wasn’t complete, but the boots pulled everything together. The added height evened out his lanky proportions. In some unlikely way the platforms made his stubble-sporting, angular face look downright exotic. His eyes blazed liquid brown heat and his dishwater hair almost glowed under the dressing room lights.

Jeremiah sashayed around the tiny space and leapt onto the low podium at the room’s center, full of a burning drive to do something. He wanted to sing. He wanted to rock. He wanted to dance, and he’d never had that sort of urge before in his life. Every school dance he’d ever gone to had involved him either playing in the band or drinking contraband beverages with his friends outside the building. “Guess I’m a natural!” he laughed. He knew he was lying, Jack knew he was lying, but there was no reason for anyone else to know the truth. Why bother with the truth when the image in the mirror was so much better?

He had expected his balance to be shaky in the tall platforms, but it was like the boots were built for him. He hadn’t thought to check the size. Maybe The One wasn’t the original owner; maybe they conformed to whoever wore them. Jeremiah’s face glowed when he looked at his mirror image. His reflection looked as giddy and ecstatic as he felt. Why do I care what they are? If they work, they work! His eyes dropped to the new footwear. He was just able to see the tiny, warped image of his face in the shiny toes. Everything’s going to be amazing from now on. As he admired his distorted image via his feet, all of his hang-ups and personality drained out of him. Who needs a personality with boots like these?

Jack Scratch watched his protégé glided round the room, that same tiny, dangerous smile just barely curling his full mouth. “Just think. What you have on represents everything that you want to be,” he coached. His words drilled through the rocker’s ears and hardwired themselves into the deepest parts of Jeremiah’s heart and soul. “They’re everything you want on your side. These boots are temptation and chaos, just like you. I’ve got it,” he declared. “I’ve got your name.”

“Give it to me,” a raspy voice in front of the mirror breathed.

“Forget Jeremiah Kensington: folk singer, blue jean rocker, country boy, small town loser,” Jack breathed, his giant hands fervently patting down his front until he found which jacket pocket his cigarettes were hidden in. It was amazing that he didn’t gouge himself in the chest given the sharpened tip of the massive silver ring that enveloped his right forefinger. The manager leaned back against the sofa and lit up, never once taking his eyes off his new golden boy and meal ticket. “From now on you are J.K. Asmodeus, rock star and corrupter of the masses.” A thin plume of smoke stretched up to frame his intense expression.

J.K. looked from Jack to the man in the mirror, saw how the red glitter of the boots was echoed in his eyes. “Yes.”

The two ignored the gasps and commentary around them as everyone texted photos and alerted the necessary paparazzi. The pair shared a slow smile as Jack inhaled another draw of nicotine. “It’s time to sign,” he murmured. The smoke crept in front of his face and turned his pleased expression into something that bordered on animalistic. He removed the top sheet of the stack he’d been examining and held it out to the younger man.

I should wait and consult a lawyer. I should take my time. These things need to be done with care, a distant echo of a Midwestern conscience chided. J.K. ignored it, grinned back at his manager, and reached for the fountain pen the manager handed him. His expression was almost as malevolent as Jack’s, though there were still traces of wholesomeness that had yet to drain away. “Let’s do it.”

Author Bio

Selah Janel has been blessed with a giant imagination since she was little and convinced that fairies lived in the nearby state park or vampires hid in the abandoned barns outside of town. Her appreciation for a good story was enhanced by a love of reading, the many talented storytellers that surrounded her, and a healthy curiosity for everything. A talent for warping everything she learned didn’t hurt, either. She gravitates to writing fantasy and horror, but can be convinced to pursue any genre if the idea is good enough. Often her stories feature the unknown creeping into the “real” world and she loves to find the magical in the mundane.

She has four e-books with No Boundaries Press, including the historical vampire story ‘Mooner’ and the contemporary short ‘The Other Man’. Her work has also been included in ‘The MacGuffin’, ‘The Realm Beyond’, ‘Stories for Children Magazine’, and the upcoming Wicked East Press anthology ‘Bedtime Stories for Girls’. She likes her music to rock, her vampires lethal, her fairies to play mind games, and her princesses to hold their own.

Author Links

Blog – http://www.selahjanel.wordpress.com Fandom Scene Column – http://www.fandomfestblog.com/blogs/selah-janel Facebook Author Page – http://www.facebook.com/authorSJ Facebook Book Page – http://www.facebook.com/intherednovel Goodreads – http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5622096.Selah_Janel Amazon Author Page – http://www.amazon.com/Selah-Janel/e/B0074DKC9K/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1346815995&sr=1-2-ent Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/SelahJanel

In The Red is Available in Various E-Book Formats at the Following Places:

No Boundaries Press Store (various formats):



Barnes and Noble:


Guest Post:

Taken from the Lifestyle Section of the Clarkesville Tribune…

J.K. Asmodeus: Local Boy Made Good or

Sudden Star Turning his Back?

Miranda Cranston

People have asked me how my trip to cover the J.K. Asmodeus tour went. How’s our local boy doing? What’s he gotten up to since we last saw him? Some of you who know Jeremiah very well even asked me how he was eating and if he remembered you.

None of these are easy questions to answer. I remember Jeremiah from school, like a lot of us do, and was excited to see our small-town-boy-turned-celebrity. I really was hoping for an exclusive or at least an invitation to chat and catch up.

What can I say that you haven’t already seen in photographs and on magazine covers? He doesn’t look like himself anymore. His hair’s currently long and blue and he has clothes that most of us couldn’t afford on our paychecks. For those that remember how shy and aloof Jeremiah was in high school, well I wonder what you’d think if you could see him schmoozing with top musicians, record execs, and the women that seem to materialize out of nowhere every time he enters the room.

I want to talk about his success, but that’s the story we already know. We’ve seen how well his albums have done, we’ve all heard the figures on how much his tours have grossed. Some of you are already probably aware by now that Jeremiah’s even gotten married and is looking at building an estate on the West Coast. So why bother writing this? Why don’t I get to the real interview, the story behind the story?

As much as I hate to admit it…there is none. I sat there at that press conference, I tried to ask my questions along with everyone else, and he flat-out ignored me. He didn’t even remember me, and it was obvious that because I wasn’t his type, he wasn’t going to give me the time of day. Before you chalk those comments up to residual high school cattiness, let me assure you that everyone in the room heard his opinion of a town that sent a boring, shy reporter who wasn’t much to look at. Not only that, but he flat-out denied ever having lived in Clarksville. He didn’t even recognize or acknowledge the name!

Granted, I wasn’t prepared for what that press conference would turn into. There seemed to be so much going on at once, and I’m sure I didn’t catch it all. At times Jeremiah (excuse me, J.K; he refuses to be called by anything else) was callous, but by the end he was offering his opinions from everything to politics, religion, and the state of music today and how he’s going to save it. I will hand it to him that he mostly ducked the allegations that have shadowed him, those accusations that his band members do the real writing, the real legwork. It’s been a rumor since his second album that his manager Jack Scratch started buying songs from the other band members at a hefty price if they’d make them good and keep their mouth shut. Whether this is true or yet another maneuver to keep J.K.’s name in the spotlight, who’s to say? I’m not sure what I believe anymore. I ducked out before I made an even bigger fool of myself, and apparently missed where Sons of Pandemonium returned for their own side of the story later on.

I don’t know whether fame has gotten to his head or if he’s trying to play the game, but I feel sorry for him. J.K. is definitely a superstar – everyone in the room was mesmerized by him at one point or another. Although the critics and promotional sponsors weren’t as easily entranced as his fans, it’s very clear that they understand that he strikes a chord. People either love to hate him or love to adore him, almost to the point of being mesmerized. That was something I was totally unprepared for – the level of sheer fanaticism that this guy from Clarksville, Indiana, this boy I went to school with, inspires. Even when he says the most over-the-top things (that seem to just burst out of his mouth uninvited at times), even when he gets up and starts dancing in the middle of a press conference, it only seems to cement his reputation as the new bad boy of rock n’ roll, the new breed of rock star. I can’t tell if the Sons of Pandemonium are playing along or if they’re that taken with him, too, but it was one of the most bizarre experiences I’ve ever had. And with the death grip J.K.’s manager Jack Scratch seems to keep on him…well, maybe it’s good for him to have a constant, guiding presence; maybe it’s not.

At any rate, if Jeremiah Kensington grew up feeling even a little out of his element, then that’s nothing compared to how I felt last week. It was obvious that as a small-town reporter, I wasn’t needed or welcome. What do you do when professionalism doesn’t work, when the one person in the room who could lend a friendly smile wants nothing to do with his background?

Call me catty, call me unprofessional, but I didn’t see a trace of the guy I grew up with. I saw a sharp-tongued, strung-out, opportunistic guy who may very well be the next great thing in music, but he sure doesn’t want much to do with us anymore.

And yet…I hesitate to admit it, but I almost forgave him for it. I stuck around in the hall, hoping to catch him after he left. He was in a hurry and looked unwilling to talk, his new wife and manager in tow. The childish things coming out of his mouth should have cemented my opinion on him, but instead I found myself looking away from the face I barely recognized and down at his feet. Those boots…it’s probably just a marketing ruse, but he’s so graceful in those boots that it almost drives one to distraction. If you could have seen the way he walked and danced his way out of that conference room, you might have been proud of him again. Seeing him that way was like seeing someone who’s so far above you that you know you don’t even have a hope of catching his eye, yet you can’t help but try. It was like seeing the biggest star in the world, someone who you wanted to put your trust and love into without any thought of what it would do to you. Our Jeremiah’s (or is that J.K. and only J.K.?) has got such a good angle, that I almost believed it, despite my anger and embarrassment. I wanted to believe it. I wanted to forgive him and go along with everything he said. After all, why shouldn’t he be the new face of rock music? Why shouldn’t we just say he’s bringing back a genre instead of repackaging it? Why shouldn’t we champion a man who’s worked hard to make something better of himself?

I wanted to say those things, and I found myself believing them…but only when I looked at those boots. When I remembered how I felt in the room, when I took a good look at his face, when I really listened to his voice…it was a different story entirely.


Miranda Cranston, Entertainment/Lifestyle

Miranda Cranston is a local journalist whose focus is on Clarksville residents’ impact on the arts, local entertainment events, and the impact of pop culture on the small town scene.


Grrrr WordPress

I have been trying to post a blog tour all day and it isn’t posting!!! Please be patient with me!!

Sorry for being gone so long.

Hey everyone. Wanted to say sorry for not posting in a while. I am dealing with health issues with my son right now. I have a blog tour coming up very soon as well as a new interview.

I am working on setting up several new interviews and some fun giveaways. Thanks to you all for being so patient.

In the book club we are having a free read two weeks. I am currently reading Adrian Phoenix’s Black Dust Mambo and loving it! I’ll have a review once I finish. Which will hopefully be Tuesday.

Keep Reading! 😉

RAD meeting about Kresley Cole

We covered the amazing Kresley Cole at our last meeting. Kresley is so good at building characters and worlds. She knows just how to pull you in and keep you interested. We all enjoyed the book and can’t wait to move on to the next one in the series. A few of us are farther than others. 


Kresley Cole is the #1 New York Times and Publishers Weekly , bestselling author of the electrifying Immortals After Dark paranormal series, the young adult Arcana Chronicles series, as well as five award winning historical romances. 

Before becoming a writer, Cole was a world-ranked athlete, coach, and graduate student. She has traveled over much of the world and draws from those experiences to create her memorable characters and settings. Two of her favorite places to visit include the rain forests of Central America and the Far North Queensland area of Australia (where, by the way, she would not recommend swimming outside of the stinger nets–at night).

Cole’s trademark action, sensuality, and humor are best exemplified in her Immortals After Dark Series, which revolves around the Lore, a secret stratum of hundreds of immortal creatures–ranging from Vampires to Lykae, Furies to Shifters, and Fey to Valkyrie–that each have their strengths, weaknesses, and age old prejudices against the others. Though they secretly live among humans, they constantly war among themselves, which gives her a lot of material.

Her IAD books have been translated into seventeen foreign languages, garnered two RITA awards, and consistently appear on the bestseller lists, in the U.S. and abroad.

Cole lives in Florida with her family and “far too many animals.” She spends any free time traveling and enjoys all things related to boats and water.


Paranormal Romance

The Immortals After Dark series

In this series, “every creature or being that was thought to be mythical . . . isn’t. They all secretly exist alongside humans and enjoy the gift of immortality. There are hundreds of different kinds: from Vampires to Lykae, from Furies to Shifters, from the Fey to Valkyries. These immortals call their world The Lore.” 

The most active factions include the Valkyrie, the Lykae, the Vampires, the Demons, and the Witches. Many other factions (and subsections of these factions) exist, some only mentioned in passing. The IAD books are all stand-alone novels, but the subplot (a Lore-wide war called the Accession, which occurs every 500 years) connects the entire series. Some events occur in multiple books, seen through the eyes of different characters, and events in one book will often be referenced in others. In each installment, readers meet a new couple, always cross-faction and predestined, who must overcome both their individual problems and outside forces who/that might keep them apart. Cole’s universe plays on gender roles, often subverting traditional stereotypes.

  1. A Hunger Like No Other (Pocket Star, 2006) ISBN 978-1-4165-0987-5
  2. No Rest for the Wicked (Pocket Star, 2006) ISBN 978-1-4165-0988-2
  3. Wicked Deeds on a Winter’s Night (Pocket Star, 2007) ISBN 978-1-4165-4703-7
  4. Dark Needs at Night’s Edge (Pocket, 2008) ISBN 978-1-4165-4707-5
  5. Dark Desires After Dusk (Pocket, 2008) ISBN 978-1-4165-7675-4
  6. Kiss of a Demon King (Pocket, January 2009) ISBN 978-1-4165-8094-2
  7. Deep Kiss of Winter (Pocket, October 2009) (Duology with Gena ShowalterISBN 978-1-4391-5966-8
  8. Pleasure of a Dark Prince – (Pocket, February, 2010) ISBN 978-1-4165-8095-9
  9. Demon from the Dark – (Pocket, August, 2010) ISBN 978-1-4391-2312-6
  10. Dreams of a Dark Warrior – (Pocket, February, 2011) ISBN 978-1-4391-3680-5
  11. Lothaire – (Gallery, January 10, 2012) ISBN 978-1-4391-3682-9
  12. Shadow’s Claim – (Pocket, November 27, 2012) ISBN 978-1-4516-5005-1
  13. MacRieve – (Gallery, 2013) ISBN 1471113612
Short Stories


Young Adult Novels

The Arcana Chronicles series

  1. Poison Princess (Simon & Schuster, October 2, 2012) ISBN 978-1-4424-3664-01

In 2011, Cole signed with Simon & Schuster’s Young Adult division to write a new series, titled The Arcana Chronicles.

In her young adult debut, Kresley Cole introduces a dark and intriguing world, full of unspeakable danger and irresistible romance.

22 Arcana cards. 22 young assassins. May the best hand live.

Sixteen-year-old Evie Greene’s horrific hallucinations predicted the apocalypse, and the end of the world brought Evie all sorts of new powers. With the earth scorched and few survivors, Evie is racing to find answers. She’s teamed up with handsome and dangerous Jack Deveaux. They discover that Evie is not the only one with special…gifts. And it’s not always clear who is using their talents for good or evil.

Historical Romance

The Sutherland Brothers series

  1. The Captain Of All Pleasures (Pocket, 2003) ISBN 978-0-7434-6649-3
  2. The Price of Pleasure (Pocket, 2004) ISBN 978-0-7434-6650-9

The MacCarrick Brothers trilogy

  1. If You Dare (Pocket, 2007) ISBN 978-1-4165-4094-6
  2. If You Desire (Pocket, 2007) ISBN 978-1-4165-0360-6
  3. If You Deceive (Pocket, 2007) ISBN 978-1-4165-0361-3


  • 2010 RITA Award for Best Paranormal Romance with Kiss of a Demon King
  • 2009 Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Award nominee
  • 2008 Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Award nominee
  • 2007 RITA Award for Best Paranormal Romance with A Hunger Like No Other
  • 2006 Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Award Winner
  • 2006 P.E.A.R.L. Award (Paranormal Excellence Award for Romantic Literature)
  • 2005 Barclay Gold Winner
  • 2004 Scribesworld Reviewers’ Choice Award Winner
  • 2004 Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Award nominee
  • 2003 Reviewers’ International Award of Excellence nominee
  • 2003 Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Award Winner

External links

Photos from events that I attended with Kresley Cole

ImageMe and Kresley at a book signing @ The Book Spot


ImageKresley at a signing in Round Rock, Texas.









Me and Lothaire(aka Paul Marron)


Photos from The Teen Book Fest






Me with Jessica Khoury, Jessica Lee Anderson, Joy Preble, Kresley Cole, Scott Speers and William Richter.

I will be posting a few more from the event its self next 🙂

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