Tasting Never by CM Stunich Blog Tour




Ty’s hot mouth is on my neck, and I find myself taking short, sharp, little breaths as I press my shaking hands to his chest. If I sleep with him again, I’ll be making the biggest mistake of my life. He’s the first real friend I’ve ever had, and I don’t want to cheapen the feelings that are simmering between us. We made that mistake once before, and we survived. We’ve been through a lot since then, and I know that if I lose him now, I will never be whole again. Ty is my other half, lover or no, and just being around him is enough for me.
“Ty,” I say, trying my best to sound stern. Instead, my voice comes out like a butterfly, flutters against Ty’s hair and swirls it gently against my lips. I moan and find that my fingers are now curled in the fabric of his T-shirt.
“Never,” he says back to me, the word like fire against my skin. In those two syllables, I hear how he feels about me. He thinks he’s in love. Ty McCabe thinks he’s in love with me. He doesn’t say it aloud, but I can tell. Sex isn’t the best way for me to show my feelings; I’ve abused it for far too long that it has somehow lost some of its meaning. I try to tell Ty this, but I can’t speak with his lips on my throat and his hand sliding across the nape of my neck.
I run my own hands down his chest and put them beneath his shirt, on the hard plane of his belly. His muscles contract as I press my fingers into them, touching, feeling, absorbing the man, the complication, that is Ty McCabe. All the while, my mind is racing in circles trying to talk me out of this.
“Kiss me,” Ty says and it’s not a question, it’s a request, albeit a gentle one. His voice is softer than I’ve ever heard it. His words are naked, stripped of all the bullshit that’s happened to him, all of the horrible things that mirror my own life. Ty and I are like twins, like two halves of the same whole. They say that opposites attract, but Ty and I are very much the same and the attraction between us burns brighter than the sun. “Kiss me,” he says again and I do.

ImageAbout the author:

C.M. Stunich was raised under a cover of fog in the area known simply as Eureka, CA. A mysterious place, this strange, arboreal land nursed Caitlin’s (yes, that’s her name!) desire to write strange fiction novels about wicked monsters, magical trains, and Nemean Lions (Google it!). She currently enjoys drag queens, having too many cats, and tribal bellydance.

Always a fan of the indie scene and ‘sticking it to the man,’ Ms. Stunich decided to take the road less traveled and forgo the traditional publishing route. You can be assured though that she received several rejections as to ensure her proper place in the world of writers before taking up a friend’s offer to start a publishing company. Sarian Royal was born, and Ms. Stunich’s books slowly transformed from mere baking chocolate to full blown tortes with hand sculpted fondant flowers.

C.M. is a writer obsessed with delivering the very best and scours her mind on a regular basis to select the most unusual stories for the outside world.

Ms. Stunich can be reached via e-mail or by post and loves to hear from her readers. Ms. Stunich also wrote this biography and has no idea why she decided to refer to herself in the third person.

Where you can find CM Stunich:


Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6432984.C_M_Stunich

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cmstunich

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CMStunich


Doug Dillon Blog Tour


If you are just now joining Doug Dillon’s Blog Tour, this is the second half of an Excerpt from Stepping Off A Cliff, the first half you can find here: http://kainas.com posted on January 20th.

Excerpt from Stepping Off a Cliff

The St. Augustine Trilogy Book 2

Coming Late Spring / Early Summer This Year!


Gasping for Air

Oh God, it was so good to see her and as I stared, she lifted a hand very slowly and gave me a tiny wave. I waved back, wanting desperately to be with her but I knew that sure wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

Above us, the inner wall of the vortex snaked its way up into total darkness. That made me realize the source of light making it possible for us to see came from somewhere below.

With a little effort, I tilted my head enough so I could look down. I’m telling you what, squinting into that blasting, Arctic-like wind really ripped the hell out of my eyes but below my feet, way far away, I saw a pulsating, sparkling, circular glow. Whatever it was, it kept shifting all around, I guess because the inner walls of the vortex were constantly moving in different directions.

The longer I focused on the glow, the bigger it got and the more it seemed like I was dropping towards a million twinkling stars. Or, maybe all those lights are heading for us, a thought came to me right before we passed through it. Or, maybe it passed through us. I really don’t know which.

When I say “through,” I mean exactly that. It happened so fast, but I definitely felt a slight prickly sensation start at my feet and fire all the way through every part of my body. For a split second, my vision filled with rushing sparkles and then it was gone. Immediately, I looked up and saw that glittering mass shoot up through the twisting hole above us at an unbelievable rate of speed and out of sight. Only then did I notice some sort of sharp smell but I couldn’t identify it.

A second or two later, I hit water. The impact forced the stuff up my nose, into my mouth and into my eyes—salt water—cool, but not cold. Definitely warmer than the inside of that nasty vortex. And yeah, I did say salt water. At the same time, a sharp pain ripped through my left hand.

Choking and gagging, I tried to swim but found both of my hands stuck in what felt like cool, squishy mud. I had to really struggle to pull them loose but I finally did and wildly paddled a few feet upward until my head popped through the surface. Gasping for air, I found I was able to stand up in the muck below about

four feet of water. Right next to me, Carla was doing the same thing.

Glancing around quickly through stinging eyes, at first I found it impossible to focus on anything in the distance. Blinking rapidly and smelling the gross stink of tidal mud, a lot of marsh grass finally came into view against a backdrop of clear blue sky. Beyond that? A few old buildings and two men about forty feet away standing on a high bank of sand looking down at us. One guy’s face was shaded by a hat he wore but the other looked an awful lot like Lobo.

The St. Augustine Trilogy Book 1

6. Book I cover

Sliding Beneath the Surface Book Trailer


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January 8th
Bio & Review Intoxicated by Books
Christina Irelan

January 9th
Interview & Review w/ Books N Brownies
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January 10th
Sypnosis & Review Best Books
Alice Priday

January 11th Friday Spotlight & Guest Post Jean BookNerd
Jean Vallesteros

January 12th
Top 10 Favorite & Review Passionate Books
Samantha Atkin

January 13th Sunday Blurb & Review with My Home Away From Home

January 14th
Interview with Cynthia Shepp Book Reviews and Editing
Cynthia Shepp

January 15th Tuesday Doug’s 10 Writing Tips Post Airicka Phoenix
Airicka Phoenix ~ Author

January 16th
Chapter & Review w/ Addicted 2 Book Reviews
Jennifer Moody
http://addicted2bookreviews.blogspot/ (dot) com/2013/01/sliding-beneath-surface-blog-tour.html

January 17th
Dream Cast & Review Mom of 2 Book Reviews
Samantha Truesdale

January 18th
Guest Chapter & Review Cassie Reviews De-la-mazing
Cassie Chavez

January 19th
Spotlight & Review Paranormal-bookclub
Bella Colella

January 20th
Excerpt Stepping & Review As You Wish Reviews
Julia Hendrix

January 21st
This and That & Review Ideas Captured
Stephen Ormsby

January 22nd
Excerpt Stepping & Review Readers After Dark
Heather Almendarez

Solomon’s Throne Blog Tour

Please welcome Jennings Wright author of Soloman’s Throne.

Guest Post

My very first “real” job (meaning not in my dad’s office, not an internship with my uncle’s business, and not waiting tables) was as the assistant to the president of a company in Irvine, California. I was Mr. Hewitt’s secretary, fancy title notwithstanding, and while he was a good boss, that kind of job didn’t really suit me. But as a first job, it wasn’t bad, and the owner was very wise and business savvy, which has helped me tremendously during the twenty-plus years I’ve been a business owner myself.

The one thing that has always stuck with me was what he said when we were interviewing applicant after applicant for a job. I was young, just out of college, and most of them seemed pretty good to me. I couldn’t quite figure out what he was looking for, so I asked him why he was turning away so many people who obviously had talent. He said, “The streets are of full of people with talent. I want someone with tenacity, stick-to-it-iveness and common sense.”


I realize this has been said before and since, probably most famously by Tim Tebow, who said, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” That one resonated with my teenage son, and whatever gets the message across works for me. But Mr. Hewitt’s wisdom has always been the one that resonated. I used it when hiring myself, and now that I’m a writer, I try to apply it to my new-found career.

The question I’m asked most frequently since I published my books this summer/fall is “How do you become a writer?” Well, you write. This is what I say, and I am usually met with a blank stare (or the email equivalent). That’s not what most people want to hear. They want a magic pill to take that will convert them into JK Rowling or Stephen King. There’s no such thing. The magic is in your fingers, and that’s all.

Writing takes a lot of perseverance, or what Mr. Hewitt called stick-to-it-iveness. Ask anyone who’s participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and they can tell you that the first 10,000 or so words are easy. The last 10,000 or so words are easy. But that dreaded middle… It’s like having to do the boring background in needlepoint, or those dreaded minutes/hours when you’ve left the starting line but can’t see the finish line in a race. I call it the doldrums.

And that’s when the tenacious separate themselves from the merely talented. A talented person’s book might be, in some objective way, the better read. But not if he doesn’t ever finish it! Not if he doesn’t then edit and edit and edit, and then either do the work needed to get a legacy publisher or do the work needed to produce a high quality indie book. If it just languishes on the computer or in a desk drawer unfinished, his talent is moot.

But the tenacious person… She plods along, stringing words together, determined to write THE END. She edits and edits and gets beta readers and then edits some more. She sticks with finding an agent and/or publisher, or she sticks with all the work involved in production: cover design, formatting, copywriting, uploading, promoting. She learns what she’s not good at or finds someone to help backfill her weaknesses. She sticks with it.

I got a fortune cookie recently that I have transferred to a white board in my office. It said, “Success is a planned event.” Talent isn’t enough for an athlete, and it isn’t enough for an artist/writer, either. It takes practice, humility, objectivity, dedication and a bulldog like quality to not let go of your vision. The streets are full of people with talent… Will you stand out by being tenacious?

About Solomon’s Throne by Jennings Wright

An impenetrable safe is breached and a secret artifact is stolen. Containing information that could change the course of the world, its desperate owner sends Gideon Quinn, his head of security, and Gideon’s wife Rei, an art preservationist, to find it at any cost. What they discover is a clue to the lost throne of King Solomon, the real object of the theft. They are thrust out on an adventure that leads them halfway around the world. Following letters left by a Jesuit in 1681, they must weave through ancient sites along the Portuguese Spice Route, keeping ahead of a secret militant order that is determined to beat them to Solomon’s Throne.

Filled with fast paced action and having broad appeal, Solomon’s Throne is an ingenious treasure hunt adventure that sweeps the reader around the globe in a race against time.

Author Bio

Born and raised in Rockledge, Florida, Jennings spent her early years reading anything she could get her hands on, when she wasn’t spending time in and on the water. She won a prize in the 6th grade for her science fiction stories.

Jennings attended the University of the South and the University of Tampa, graduating with a B.A. in Political Science, and almost enough credits for B.A.s in both English and History. She spent time over the years doing various kinds of script doctoring, business writing, editing, and teaching writing, but mostly having and raising her family, homeschooling her children, owning and running a business with her husband, and starting a non-profit to Uganda.

Thanks to a crazy idea called NaNoWriMo Jennings got back into creative writing in 2011 and hasn’t stopped since. She’s written four novels and a screenplay in less than a year, with more ideas on the drawing board. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband, also a writer, and two children, and travels extensively.

Author Links

Kindle Edition: http://www.amazon.com/Solomons-Throne-ebook/dp/B008NBRYV6/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1351777545&sr=8-3
Print Edition: http://www.amazon.com/Solomons-Throne-Jennings-Wright/dp/0985784016/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1351777545&sr=8-3
Print Edition – CreateSpace: https://www.createspace.com/3937851

My website is http://www.jenningswright.com
My writing blog is http://jenningswright.wordpress.com
My Twitter is @JenningsWright
My FB author page is http://www.Facebook.com/JSWwrites
My Independent Author Network page is http://www.independentauthornetwork.com/jennings-wright.html





Below is the HTML code for the Giveaway, the giveaway is for US residents.

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Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/share-code/YjhkMjA2NmM4OWE3ZTVmZWNlNWJkZmVlNzAzMmU2OjQx/

Affirming the Faith Blog tour


About Mocked by Faith: Affirming the Faith by Michele Richard

The time has come for Alexia and Justin McNear to move out of their beloved home at The Gates, a hidden gated community where time doesn’t change the way of life. It’s time for a new start with the birth of a new community, and children to raise in the faith they cherish. Alexia and Justin’s challenges are far from a thing of the past. Life’s not always perfect. This is a fact these two know all too well. Together they’ll have to remind each other nothing is ever perfect.

Alexia has grown to accept her husband and her role in life, but now, new issues will arise, and force her to fight to keep her family together and safe. Her days of insecurities may be behind her, but she’ll be tested to see if she’s really ready to be a minister’s wife.

Justin has learned the error of his ways and will stop at nothing to protect his family and faith. Now a minister, he must show his parishioners he’s more than capable of leading them. There are no challenges or disabilities too great to overcome.

Together they’ll have to select the perfect spouses to contract for their children and lead L’île d’anges, the new community left in their trust to build. In a world of arranged marriages and dominating husbands, things are not always as they seem. Even with the small progresses their faith has made, they’ll cling to the ways of the past generations.

They’re in for an uphill battle when Mother Nature sets her eye upon them. Locked away from anyone to help them, they’ll have to rely on each other and their faith to see them through.

Is history repeating itself? When one son has no match, what then? Can they beat the clock before it’s too late?

Author Bio

Michele Richard lives in a suburb of Boston, Mass. She’s the mother of two pre-teen daughters and the wife.

Michele Richard has created the Mocked series. From Mocked by Destiny to the trilogy Mocked by Faith, she writes what comes from the heart. A wife and the mother of two preteen girls, she spends her days spinning tales about what happens when what you believe in mocks your every turn.

When she’s not writing, her days are filled with her family, her bunny Geneva, and friends. Her greatest passions are learning new languages and traveling. She currently resides in the Northeastern part of the United States however; her family members live down the east coast as far as North Carolina.

She’s currently learning French and Spanish, and one day hopes to be fluent in both. Learning new things is always something she enjoys.

Author Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MicheleA.Richard

Blogger: http://michele-richard.blogspot.com/

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michele-richard/31/516/203

Twitter: https://twitter.com/M_A_Richard


Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4611426.Michele_Richard

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/TheMicheleRichard

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from Jitterbug PR and from the author as part of a virtual book tour. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

JK Accinni

Go check out these books! Great author and reads!!


Something Darker giveaway!

My friend Stella Price has a new book out. It’s called Something Darker. She is having such an amazing giveaway for this book and all you have to do to be entered is buy it. The books is $2.99. It’s worth way more than that. Excellent read that I couldn’t put down. So go here to join and get your copy! You will be entered to win a entry to an amazing convention in Savannah, Possibly the rooms covered too and a nook.

Here is the link for the event:




for a print version:



Holding a contest on my FB page Readers After Dark. Once the page reaches 250 followers I will give away a signed copy of Cynthia Eden ‘s Angel in Chains. So make sure and go like the page and share it with your friends!

Allure cover reveal

Check out this amazing cover real happening! The author is Melissa Andrea. It’s a beautiful cover and looks like a great read.

Here is a summary of the book:

Temptation. Desire. Deception.

Everything about her is enthralling, enticing… until everything about her becomes deadly.

Alluring you into the center of her world, she’ll deprive you of reason, breath… life. And because you can’t help it, you’ll let her, and death never felt so good.

There is only one rule where she is from: Don’t become attached to your Allure, and Ryleigh has already broken that rule.

The decision to stay was easy, but being ready to handle everything that comes with her choice, is more then she bargained for when something unexpected happens. Ryleigh is thrown into a world she knows nothing about, and a past she can’t remember. Time is not Ryleigh’s only enemy, but the lack of it, will be the end of her immortality if she doesn’t remember what she is or the life she needs to take.

When the cost of immortality means consuming the life of someone you love, could you do it?!



You can find Melissa Andrea on Facebook at:

Cover reveal!!

Check out this amazing cover! I can’t wait to read this one!


Naughty Sleepover

Naughty Sleepover.

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