Ixeos Guest Post

Please welcome Jennings Wright with a wonderful Guest post to the blog . I am excited to have her again.

Guest post with the great Jennings Wright:

Schedules and How to Get it Done


I have never been a “schedule” person. I have routinely run from, well, routine. When I make a weekly menu for my family’s meals, it is more common than not that I decide I don’t want to eat whatever I pre-planned for that day. In short, my personality lends itself to spontaneity and whimsy, and I’ve always found regular jobs, school, and those kinds of things a challenge.


You would think that 13 years of homeschooling would have changed that somewhat, but it really didn’t. Homeschooling, by nature, is fluid and flexible, and since I had to do something different with all of my kids due to different learning styles and temperaments, I had a lot of variety. One of the funniest comments I get when I tell people I homeschool is, “Oh, you must be so organized!” Short answer? NO.


So fast forward to 2013. I got a whole lot of stuff done in 2012, including publishing three books between July and October. I wrote another novel, plus a screenplay, in 2012, as well. Getting the work done wasn’t a problem, but getting it done so that I had a life… That was a problem. I wrote or edited almost every day, and usually well into the night. I made room for fun things, of course, but I was always feeling like I was behind.


As December drew to a close and I looked at my publishing to-do list for 2013, I realized something had to give. I either had to scale way back on what I wanted to get done, or I had to figure out a way to do it that didn’t involve working all day, every day. That’s when the dreaded word “schedule” began to drift into my head.


Some of you thrive on schedules, and are probably trying to figure out what my problem is. My daughter is one such person, a list-making queen. Intellectually, I understand the need and benefit of a schedule. It’s when intellect hits reality that I have a problem. But, before the end of the year, I decided that I really didn’t want to cut back on my ambitious plan for this year, so I bit the bullet and made a schedule.


I would call my schedule somewhat flexible, and that’s probably what has made it work for over two months now (a definite record!). I’ve divided the day up into two large chunks, and have a bit of leeway as to how I use the time in each. For instance, I try to get to the gym five or six days a week (once it’s warm, that will change to a long walk). Because I suffer from chronic migraines, and those tend to start ramping up in the afternoon, after which working out is out of the question, I can do my work out either at 9am, or at the beginning of my lunch.


The rest of the morning is spent editing. With all my works in progress, I am always writing a new book and editing an upcoming one at the same time. As my best time for creativity is in the afternoon, that leaves morning for the more detailed job of editing.


I take a fairly long lunch, especially if I go to the gym at noon. I run short errands or just watch a recorded episode of Castle or The Mentalist while I eat. Basically, I need a total break in order to take off my editing hat and put on my writing gloves. They are two very different tasks, and I don’t edit at all while I write, so I have to build in that break. After this, I spend the afternoon writing. My daily goal is usually 3,000 words a day, so once I reach that, I’m free to stop. At any rate, I stop around 5:30, finished or not. That’s the end of my “work day,” and I stick with it.


Believe it or not (and I’m still somewhat in shock), this schedule has worked really well. My family all is busy during this time, and I have a sign on my office door that can be set to “Do Not Disturb” or “Come On In” depending on how things are going. I’ve gotten a lot more done that before, and now have time to cook dinner (which I enjoy) and do family stuff afterwards. My weekends have been free for fun stuff or reading.


It’s still somewhat counter to my nature, but seeing how much more time sticking to “regular job” hours has given me, I don’t think I’ll go back. If things in my life change (like in June, when my daughter is getting married), I’ll modify the schedule accordingly. But I won’t abandon it. I’ve finally found something that is more important to me than my spontaneous side, and that’s getting books out to my readers.

Book Description:

The McClellands are enjoying a lazy summer vacation at the beach when they are lured from our world into Ixeos, an alternate Earth. Finding themselves lost in a maze of tunnels under Paris and surrounded by strangers, they discover that they have been brought to Ixeos for one purpose: to take the planet back from humanoid aliens who have claimed it. With the aid of the tunnels and a mysterious man named Landon, the teens travel the world seeking the key that will allow them to free Darian, the long-imprisoned rebel leader.

The aliens aren’t the only problem on Ixeos — the McClellands have to deal with brutal gangs, desperate junkies, and a world without power, where all the technology is owned by the aliens, and where most of the population has been killed or enslaved.

The worst part? There’s no way home.

bluebarn-jennings-9951 2About the Author:

I am an eclectic writer… Or maybe ADD. I can’t stick to just one genre! I’ve written action/adventure, Christian historical romance, dystopian, and my next project is a YA dystopian low fantasy. I like interesting locations and engaging characters, and whatever genre is best to tell their story… That’s what I write.

I am a lifelong traveler, and am always looking for my next trip, whether near or far. I’ve traveled to Uganda six times in the last few year for my non-profit there, and hope that my love of Africa is reflected in the Quinn’s adventures in Solomon’s Throne. I also love history, and all my books have historical elements, even those set in the future.

There are many more adventures in my future — I’ll try to share them with you in my books!

Where to find Jennings Wright:

Website: http://jenningswright.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JSWwrites

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JenningsWright

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Jennings-Wright/e/B008QO3BP8

Beth Ann Masarik cover reveal


Murderous Regrets

Leon Greene is accused of murdering his best friend, Jason Aysel, and the world wants to know if he really did it. Cue Elise Stevenson, the top news reporter for the Daily Gazette who gets the scoop. Will Leon tell her the truth and his motives behind the murder?

*this is a short story based off the soon to be released novel, The World Among Us: Prince of Darkness.


Moon Spirit

Raul Blackoak’s world is tossed upside down one evening when he stumbles upon a damsel in distress. What he wasn’t expecting was that his life would be changed forever by her. Because he risks his own life to save her, he is caught between two worlds; the world to which he belongs, and the human world. Will he be able to balance being in both worlds? Or will he have to give up one to be happily ever after in the other?

*this is a short story based off the soon to be released novel, The World Among Us: Prince of Darkness.


Hell Bound

After impressing her boss with her interview with werewolf, Leon Greene, Elise is Hell Bound to an interview with the Lord of the Underworld himself. Mr. Murphy wants her to find the dirty scoop on Hades himself, and foil his plot to take over the world. Will she survive the clutches of Hell?

*this is a short story based off the soon to be released novel, The World Among Us: Prince of Darkness.


Hell’s Captive

As if interviewing Hades himself wasn’t enough, Elise gets sucked into doing an interview with his son, Prince Damien. It turns out that the Prince of Darkness has a few tricks up his sleeve himself, and is head over heels for the girl he murdered. Will Elise uncover the Prince of Darkness’s deepest, darkest secrets?

*this is a short story based off the soon to be released novel, The World Among Us: Prince of Darkness.

About the Author:

Beth Ann Masarik was born on Long Island, NY in the year 1984 with an over-active imagination. She used to love playing make-believe games, and now loves creating her own fantasy worlds. Masarik has been writing since she was 15 years old, and had her first newspaper article published in her high school newspaper in her sophomore year. She has taken several creative writing classes, and started writing her very first novel in college, and is currently searching for the right literary agent. Aside from writing novels, Masarik enjoys bowling, gaming, and role playing online. She enjoys reading fantasy novels written by Richelle Mead, L.J. Smith, and J.K. Rowling, and looks to them for role models.

Beth is recently married, and when she isn’t writing or role playing, she is found volunteering down at her church.

Masarik is also the founder of Literary Lunes Magazine/Literary Lunes Publications, a bi-monthly zine that is dedicated to promoting authors. You can find out more about Literary Lunes by going to its website at http://www.literarylunespublications.com

You can find Beth at the following places:

Websites: http://www.bethannmasarik.com, http://www.theworldamongussaga.com and http://www.literarylunespublications.com

Twitter: @theworldamongus and @literarylunes Facebook fanpages: https://www.facebook.com/bethannmasarikauthor https://www.facebook.com/TheWorldAmongUs and https://www.facebook.com/Literarylunespublications Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4667718.Beth_Ann_Masarik

Sheri Hayes


Please welcome Sheri Hayes to the page. I was supposed to have her on yesterday but due to a very ill family member I wasn’t able to get online. 

Please enjoy the following guest post from Sheri:

It’s common to hear both authors and readers talking about characters in books as if they were real people. Those who don’t read often don’t understand, but fellow book lovers do. Good characters and stories suck you in and don’t let you go.

I remember reading a story as a teenager about a young boy who was abused. My heart went out to him even though I knew he and his family were fictional. Before I ever wrote my first story, I was drawn to the emotional pull of the characters and the obstacles they had to face. That’s now translated into my writing. From the start, I’ve been an emotional writer. I don’t use an outline, and I’m more than happy to let my characters take the lead.

My most emotional story to date is my Finding Anna Series. It’s about a young woman held against her will as a slave, and the man who buys her to get her out of that situation. I knew going into it that there would be parts of the story that could be difficult to write, and I was correct. There have been times when I’ve sat at my computer typing, unable to see the screen through my tears. My husband finds it hilarious that I get so caught up in fictional characters, but I know I’m not alone. So what about you? Do you ever find yourself in tears when reading a story?




About the Author:

Sherri is the author of five novels, Hidden Threat, Slave (Finding Anna, Book 1), Behind Closed Doors (A Daniels Brothers Novel), Need (Finding Anna, Book 2), Red Zone (A Daniels Brothers Novel), and a short story, A Christmas Proposal. She lives in central Ohio with her husband and three cats. Her mother fostered her love for books at a young age by reading to her as a child. Stories have been floating around in her head for as long as she can remember; however, she didn’t start writing them down until she was thirty. It has become a creative outlet that allows her to explore a wide range of emotions while having fun taking her characters through all the twists and turns she can create. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found helping her husband in his woodworking shop.



 ImageSlave :

Stephan has lived the lifestyle of a Dominant for five years. After several rebellious teenage years, it gave him the stability and control he had been seeking after his parent’s death.

As president of a not-for-profit foundation, he knows what his future holds and what he wants out of life. All that changes when a simple lunch with his college friend and Mentor, Darren, leads him to buying a slave.

Thrust into a situation he never thought he’d be in, Stephan can’t walk away. He is compelled to help this girl in the only way he knows how.

Brianna knows only one thing, she is a slave. She has nothing. She is nothing.

Can Stephan help Brianna realize that she is much more than just a Slave?




First let me say that this cover is amazing. It pulled me in and made me want to read it. It is so beautiful. I wanted to know why she looked so sad. 

Her character development was fantastic. Brianna broke my heart. I wanted to keep reading in hopes that she or Stephan would be able to help her. I loved the relationship she built with these two characters. Stephan does have some moments where you would like to kick his butt but you realize he is only doing what he thinks is the right thing to help her. 

I also really liked Lily their friend and co-worker. I would love to read a story about her as well. 

Well,, most of you know me and I don’t like to do spoilers so that is all I am giving you for now. I will say though that this is a fantastic read and I think you should all run to amazon and get it. 


Next book in the series:


Brianna comes to terms with the realization that she is no longer a slave, she must figure out what she wants for her life. Forgetting her past isn’t an option. She knows she cannot imagine her life without the man who saved her, but can she be what he needs? Stephan never imagined falling in love with the woman he rescued. The scars from her past haunt her, and he is helpless to stop them. Can he be everything she needs and help her move on?





Places to find Sheri Hayes:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sherri-Hayes/122511444477280

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4496779.Sherri_Hayes

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sherri_Hayes

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sherri-Hayes/e/B004MIO9O4

Thank you Sheri Hayes for being here and I can’t wait to continue my journey with your books.


SA Price coming soon

Make sure that you check this one out when it’s available!!

This is Winter’s story.


The first book Giving up the Ghost is available on Amazon.

SJ Byrne Cover reveal


Opal’s Song


Coming 2013 – Release date to be announced


A horrific accident on a rain slicked mountainside and permanent paralysis from the waist down.

25 year old Lily Wade has to relearn simple, everyday activities just to live a seemingly normal life.

Opal—a precocious child in her rehabilitation group—teaches Lily about living joyfully after

surviving an immense tragedy and how to find peace within the pain.

To keep a promise made, Lily must dust off her once beloved cello and connect with the music she’s kept locked inside a velvet lined case for nearly a decade.





A Teaser


The headlights of Darren’s extended cab Chevy swung from left to right as he took the switch back curves much faster than normal. Lines of tension formed beside his mouth, and his usually relaxed hands clutched the black leather steering wheel in a white knuckle death grip. Something about the way he pumped the brakes wasn’t quite right, and the momentum of the truck was picking up instead of slowing down.


Lily wanted to ask if everything was okay, but didn’t dare distract him from what was quickly becoming a dangerous situation. Deep ingrained reflex made her tug on the strap of her seat belt to ensure it would hold if the worst case scenario played itself out.


She’d ventured East with her boyfriend to explore and get away from the stifling rules of her parents. They had come into Western North Carolina via the Blue Ridge Mountains and immediately fallen in love with the place. Eclectic Asheville stole her heart with its

combination of forward movement and backwards thinking. Only in that particular valley, surrounded by some of the oldest mountains in the world, could one community find the wherewithal to support so many varied lifestyle modalities. From the redneck–hillbilly descendants of the original Scottish settlers, to the new agers, dirty hippies, and flamboyant gays—Asheville catered to them all.


Lily wanted to share the exuberance of the area with her family, but suddenly feared the chance to do so would come at the cost of a glossy wooden box. Tears filled her eyes as she swallowed past a lump forming in her throat. She didn’t want to die.


“Aww, FUCK!”


Darren’s barely whispered expletive caught Lily’s attention as the tail end of the truck swung around. Suddenly they were facing the way they’d come. On any other day Darren would’ve calmly turned the wheel until the truck righted itself. For some reason the beast didn’t respond to his handling. The vehicle continued to spin until something in the front end snapped, and Lily stared in horror. One of the tires flew away from the truck, and in that instant she realized what people said was true—in the moments before death time slows down as the brain processes everything in minute detail.


Bright headlamps illuminated the surrounding forest as the front end of the truck crashed down onto the road. Heavy metal screeching on asphalt filled Lily’s ears only to be replaced with the sound of trees snapping beneath the force of a full sized pick-up rolling down the side of a mountain.


Up became down, and Lily’s insides threatened to come out as she was jerked about behind the increasingly tighter band of her protective belt. If she’d been sitting next to Darren her head would’ve been spared the repetitive abuse of being tossed against the passenger window. Lily didn’t want to scream out her fear, but found she had no control over her vocal cords—her screeches of distress echoed in the confined space until the imploding windshield drowned her out. Shards from the window flew towards them, cutting her neck and face as they tumbled around inside the cab.


Everything stopped all at once. The crashing roll of the truck, the cutting of the glass shards, even Lily’s screams. The Chevy landed on its side with her hanging by her seat belt, staring down at the unconscious form of her boyfriend. The smell of gasoline filled the air and Lily felt the spike of adrenaline wash through her nervous system.


“Darren! Darren, wake up!” She yelled as loud as her constricted lungs would allow behind the crushing force of the nylon strap. “Darren, we have to get out of this truck!”


Darren remained unconscious, and Lily refused to give into the blind panic threatening to take over. Breathing deep she quickly surveyed her position and the quickest escape route. The windshield had completely shattered, making that the only way out of the wreckage as the door above her wouldn’t budge when she tried pushing it open. Grabbing hold of the oh-shit handle, she pulled the weight of her body off the belt and pushed the release button. Blinding heat zipped through her body as she crashed face first against Darren’s side and was knocked out cold by the force of their skulls connecting.




Something wet trickled down the side of her face just before an excruciating pain exploded behind her eyes, and Lily knew she was about to have the mother of all migraines. She thought to press the heels of both hands against her throbbing eye sockets, but found her body remained motionless against the command. A soft moan beneath her was worrying, though she couldn’t think why. The muscle of her shoulder flexed involuntarily and a jolt of pain flashed down her spine, stopping abruptly in her hips. A deep breath meant to calm her frantic thoughts brought more pain and then the blessed blackness.




“Hang in there little lady. We’ve almost got you out.”


Lily whimpered as a sudden shock of agony rippled through her arms and torso, but the sound of someone talking eased her anxiety. She wasn’t alone—thank god. The voice became a life line she clung to with her mind until sweet oblivion pulled her back into its warm embrace.




“They rolled down the side of Mount Pisgah. From what I can gather she was pinned in place by her seat belt, until she managed to undo it and then fell against his side.”


The conversation felt a million miles away. Surely they weren’t talking about her. Before she could give it another thought, the air was filled with excited chatter and frantic movements. She wanted to open her eyes and see what was going on, but her lids were too heavy to lift. Moving the muscles of her body required a strength she didn’t possess and fear flooded her thoughts as she cried out in frustration. The air she pulled through her nose tasted strange on the back of her tongue. Oblivion stretched out its arms and Lily went into them without a fight.



Find out more about Opal’s Song and it’s release

by visiting SJ Byrne or Opal’s Song on Facebook



A portion of all proceeds from Opal’s Song will be donated

to help children with disabilities…more information forthcoming.




About the Author:

Living in the mountains of Western North Carolina SJ Byrne is just trying to make her way through the insanity that comes with creativity. Writing is her passion – life is her muse. Keep an eye out for new books due later this year.


Connect with SJ via: 

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/SJ-Byrne/163037843739072

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SJ__Byrne

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5164941.S_J_Byrne

Blog: http://sj-byrne.blogspot.com/


Read more about her books: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mo.Dearbadan.de.SJB

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/My-Butterfly-ebook/dp/B005LD3V70/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1328020433&sr=1-1

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13450176-my-butterfly


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